首頁 > 11/19(日)上午場次
2-2-114 組裝的本真:華人宗教 vs. 中華文化
場次簡介/ Description: 


主持人/ Chair:湯志傑

發表人/ Presenter楊弘任(中央研究院社會學研究所副研究員)
題目/ Title:重新組裝「中華文化」:華人宗教如何面對跨海峽政教關係的轉變?

摘要/ Abstract:
  本研究首先回溯考察「中華」、「中華民族」以迄「中華文化」等範疇之形成過程,並探問:臺灣社會由戒嚴到民主化與本土化,各類華人宗教團體(包括鸞堂、宮廟、人間佛教、一貫道)與讀經團體出現「中華文化」範疇的時機與因由?其次,本研究探討中共黨國體制自改革開放以迄六四事件之後,逐步由「儒家文化」與「孝道」的接納,直到積極提出「中華優秀傳統文化」的篩選機制之過程。此時,來自臺灣的各類華人宗教團體或讀經團體,被安置在意識形態與宗教的「雙重治理」下進行如何之治理?在分析架構上,本研究嘗試跳脫「本質論與建構論」等既有模式,轉而考察前述各類相關行動者對於「中華文化」的文化本真性想像之爭議。在此基礎下,本研究進一步嘗試回答:各類華人宗教團體或讀經團體在面對「雙重治理」時,何種狀況下會出現主動認同或被迫順應?何種狀況下則可能出現宗教自主性與修行主體性?本研究係國科會專題計畫「跨海峽政教關係下的『中華文化』:消逝、延續、或重組?(MOST 111-2410-H-001-044-MY3)」之部分研究成果,研究者已對鸞堂、宮廟、人間佛教、一貫道與讀經團體完成初步之文獻蒐集與深度訪談。


發表人/ Presenter袁光譽 Robert Ivan(國立臺灣大學社會學系博士生)
題目/Title:Confucian Confusion: A Critical Examination of Orientalist Biases in the Study of Confucianism and East Asian Societies

This paper is motivated by the field research during my Master's studies, along with my exploration of social and cultural history as distinct from the history of ideas. These experiences have led me to question the methodological underpinnings and conceptual frameworks in research on Confucianism, Chinese culture, and Chineseness. Criticisms raised by Arif Dirlik and Kiri Paramore further reinforced my doubts. Thus, the aim of this paper is to identify and systematize prevailing preconceptions and biases.
While these issues are prevalent in the social sciences, I specifically focus on Confucian studies as a case study due to the significant influence of these biases in shaping the field's foundations. This paper seeks to stimulate reflection among social scientists regarding how biases influence discussions on social processes in East Asian societies, often characterized as "Confucian societies," perpetuating preconceived Orientalist notions.
Drawing from the concept of Orientalism, with substantial modifications to Edward Said's original formulation, I define core issues and biases. The paper demonstrates how this Orientalist perspective, encompassing essentialism, dualism, intellectualism, elitism, Sinoromantism, and the equation of Confucianism with Chineseness, continues to shape discussions on East Asian societies. This perspective often reverses value judgments between the East and the West, portraying ancient Chinese wisdom as a universal solution for the modern world, occasionally delving into nativism, political romanticism, and identitarianism.
I identify shared cultural logic within Confucian studies, despite apparent differences and occasional opposition. Furthermore, I find these biases are deeply ingrained in social scientific research, evident in widespread dichotomies of the East and the West, tradition and modernity, collectivism and individualism, or the automatic framing of public engagement as Confucian consciousness.
In conclusion, I argue that reexamining the foundations of Confucian studies is crucial for its credibility as a reliable source for scholars from other disciplines. Additionally, the critique and call for revision raised in this article extend beyond Confucian studies, encompassing the broader realm of social sciences.
Keywords: Confucianism, Orientalism, methodological frameworks, sociology


發表人/ Presenter陳登翔(中央研究院社會學研究所博士後研究)



發表人/ Presenter顧頡鋒 Stefan Kukowka(國立政治大學宗教研究所及法國國立東方語言與文化學院博士生)
題目/Title:Aspiring World Peace Through Education: Pure Land Societies and the Global Promotion of Traditional Chinese Education

This paper aims at examining the educational projects of Pure Land Societies (jingzong xuehui淨宗學會), founded by Master Jingkong (1927-2022), in the field of primary, secondary, and tertiary level education in Taiwan and the United Kingdom, effectively covering the entire educational path of children from kindergarten to university and beyond. Regardless of whether one listens to Jingkong’s dharma lectures or those of his monastic disciples’ starting from the early 2000s, speaks to his lay followers in different parts of Taiwan, Germany, and the UK, or joins online Zoom meetings, there is one phrase that one is certain to hear: ‘one consecutive education’ (yitiao long de jiaoyu 一條龍的教育). It means that within Jingkong’s network of Pure Land Societies, educational foundations, and individual or institutional endorsers of his visions strive to establish an alternative mode of modern education by reviving and promoting ‘traditional Chinese culture’ (chuantong zhongguo wenhua 傳統中國文化) to cultivate the next generation of ‘sages’ and to solve all sorts of challenges, problems, and conflicts that our society faces nowadays – with world peace being the ultimate goal. Jingkong believes that our current educational systems only focus on transmitting knowledge while neglecting moral cultivation. In the writings of the Chinese sages and virtuous of the past, he deems to have found the wisdom necessary to rectify the wrongs of modern education and guide our global society towards a peaceful future. It is, therefore, essential to re-introduce traditional Chinese culture in the Sinosphere but also to spread the word to other parts of the world.
The complexity of this phenomenon is highlighted by the fact that there is no central organisation but rather a variety of actors striving to implement Jingkong’s ideals. I have, thus, conducted multi-sited fieldwork in Taiwan, Germany, and the United Kingdom to understand how Jingkong and his followers promote Chinese culture in connection with Chinese Pure Land Buddhism through various educational projects, including kindergartens, high schools, universities, summer camps, and lecture series in different societal contexts.
Keywords: Taiwanese Buddhism, Jingkong, Pure Land Society, Religion and Education