首頁 > 11/19(日)上午場次
2-2-206 醫療與健康
主持人/ Chair:黃華彥
評論人/ Discussant:黃華彥

發表人/ Presenter周芸瑄 
題目/ Title:憂鬱症患者的自我敘事與醫療經驗

摘要/ Abstract:


發表人/ Presenter林倞民

  不同以往由專家或家長代言的障礙運動,近十多年來,以障礙者為主體,強調「沒有我們的參與,不要替我們做決定」(Nothing about us without us)的「身心障礙當事者團體」逐漸成為臺灣障礙運動的新興倡議力量。本文探討臺灣障礙運動參與者的生命歷程以及日常生活經驗如何影響倡議議題、倡議策略的選擇?自立生活運動參與者如何從障礙者轉為倡議者?其參與倡議的動能與限制為何?由障礙者為主體的障礙運動挑戰何種觀點?本文訪談八位「身心障礙當事者團體」的參與者,也參與九次「身心障礙當事者團體」的倡議活動。本文發現,健全主義思維的制度與環境使得障礙者難以參與主流社會,在人力支持制度不足的情況下,「不對等的照顧關係」、「跟家人綁在一起」成為障礙者的成長、求學歷程中的普遍現象。通過家人、學校資源教室以及身心障礙當事者團體等路徑,受訪者得以將「自立生活」所面臨的阻礙轉換為參與倡議的動能。面對不同層級及面向的議題,受訪者成立身心障礙當事者團體,透過公共倡議爭取制度性資源、以日常生活實作凸顯障礙者的處境、舉辦同儕支持活動以組織及賦權更多障礙者。這些倡議議題及運動策略反映的是長期以來,障礙運動發展與障礙問題的典範轉移。


發表人/ Presenter:龔文翎(紐約州立大學奧爾巴尼分校 博士候選人)
題目/Title: Moral Legitimacy of IVF “Add-ons”: As Clinicians Navigate Professional Identities and Practice Boundary Work in the Assisted Reproduction Market

In vitro fertilization (IVF) “add-ons” are supplementary clinical procedures integrated into standard IVF treatment, which are purported to enhance the likelihood of successful pregnancy. These lucrative add-on services, representing cutting-edge technological advancement in the field, contribute to the growth of the global assisted reproduction market. However, concerns are growing due to the lack of robust evidence supporting the claimed effectiveness and safety of these experimental procedures, which may mislead vulnerable individuals undergoing IVF with delusive information and false hope.
Prior research on morality and market provides a fertile ground for understanding the role of cultural order in the market, pointing out the crucial role of moral legitimacy in facilitating transactional services. Yet, limited attention has been given to the differentiated market, where market actors employ moral justifications not only to legitimize different means of service provision, but also to distinguish themselves from other peers as they navigate their professional identities. Consequently, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding concerning the interplay between the professional culture of market actors, the moral order, and the practice-based variation within the market.
Based on interviews with 43 fertility clinicians and non-participant observations in Taiwan between 2017 and 2019, this research takes a professional view of moral legitimacy to argue that fertility clinicians practice boundary work to justify their diverse approaches to providing high-priced add-on services while differentiating themselves from their peers. The research identifies three moral spectrums capturing the collective tensions clinicians experience when grappling with their professional identities in the assisted reproduction market, namely (i) Evidence versus Chance, (ii) By Indication versus By Routine/Request, and (iii) Further Intervene in Nature/Life or Not. These spectrums encompass broader discussions on evidence-based medicine and hope, the changing dynamics of the healthcare provider-patient relationship amidst the rise of patient consumerism, and long-standing debates in reproductive technology regarding human interventions in nature and the selection of life.
Keywords: IVF “Add-ons,” Assisted Reproductive Technology, Market, Moral Legitimacy, Professional Identity, Boundary Work