首頁 > 11/19(日)下午場次
2-4-202 生命歷程
主持人/ Chair:吳齊殷
評論人/ Discussant:翁康容

發表人/ Presenter:Meng-Jung Lin 林孟瑢
題目/ Title:Partnership Trajectories, Genes, and Well-being in Early to Middle Adulthood

摘要/ Abstract:
Romantic relationship is important to the society and individuals. Marriage is said to protect ones’ health while relationship dissolution can be harmful. However, whether and to what extent the benefits of marriage and the detrimental effects of divorce are due to selection remains debatable. Besides, previous studies usually examine relationships using life events, such as marriage and divorce, which may not provide a full picture of the story. By adopting the life course perspective, using sequence analysis, and considering both socioeconomic background and genetic components, this study aims to answer the following questions: 1. Who has what partnership trajectories? 2. Considering genetic predisposition, do partnership trajectories affect well-being later in life? Also, how do partnership trajectories mitigate or amplify the effects of the genetic component on well-being? This study will use the data from Add Health and Health and Retirement Study to answer the questions. The preliminary results from HRS show that: Firstly, by adding genetics into the sociological studies on partnership trajectory, this study shows the influences of genetic predisposition and social factors on individual’s relationship patterns and overall trajectory. Secondly, not only does partnership trajectory correlate with later life well-being, the trajectory can even amplify the effects of genetic predisposition. The divorced and re-married and the widowed and re-married women are particularly affected by this. Results support the cumulative advantage or disadvantage framework where the past experiences and events accumulate and affect later outcomes. In addition, the gene-trajectory interaction also suggests that the diathesis-stress model is at work. To sum, this study shows how social and genetics together influences individual’s life, and how the social institution of marriage or social norm of partnership protect or hurt individuals by heightened the influences of genetic predisposition.
Keywords: Partnership Trajectory, Gene-Environment Interaction, Sequence Analysis, Polygenic Score, Well-Being


發表人/ Presenter:林穎玉

  本文以2022年爆發的「柬埔寨詐騙案」為題,展開兩個方向的研究。其一是以國際救援隊第一手資料、國內司法文件等檔案作為研究素材,釐清新聞媒體未能完整呈現之事件樣貌;其次是以生命史(life history)作為方法,深入訪談本案當事人,縱時性梳理個人生命歷程中處境與能動(agency)的關係。


發表人/ Presenter黃宇弘(國立臺灣大學社會學系博士候選人)


發表人/ Presenter
張榮富(國立台北教育大學社會與區域發展學系 教授
洪曉茹(國立台北教育大學社會與區域發展學系 研究生
蔡文晏(國立台北教育大學社會與區域發展學系 研究生
陳思穎(國立台北教育大學社會與區域發展學系 研究生

  容貌較佳者薪資較高,此現象被稱為「美麗津貼」。近期國內學者以中國婚友網站高學歷男女的研究顯示,個人身高與身材(BMI)對所得有明顯的影響。本研究延伸上述研究並補其不足,特點是以臺灣婚友網站男女為樣本、區分大學及高中職學歷及高低(40及30歲)年齡層,共四組比較。男性身高由160至182公分,女性身高由153至172公分,各分22與19組,BMI皆由「16」至「31」分為16組。研究結果顯示:(1) 就身高的美麗津貼而言,男性不論高低學歷組,不論高低年齡組,身高對其自身所得皆顯著正向相關,換言之身高愈高者所得愈高。女性則出呼意外的,僅年輕大學組的身高對其所得有顯著正向相關。(2) 就身材(BMI)的美麗津貼而言,男性無論年齡與學歷,自身所得最高峰為BMI等於 25或28(視組別而定),換言之BMI與所得為「倒V型」的關係。女性不論低或高學歷組,只要是年長組則BMI與所得就是顯著負向關係。出呼意外的是,年輕組不存在顯著負相關。(3)本研究與一般印象不同之處有兩點。第一,男性比女性更普遍存在身高與身材的美麗津貼。第二,大學女性比高中職女性更有身高上的美麗津貼,年長女性比年輕女性更有身材上的美麗津貼。
關鍵詞: 美麗津貼 、男女、身高、BMI、對所得